Josiah Thorogood, Barrister & Solicitor
About Josiah
Josiah has been licensed as a lawyer by the Law Society of Ontario since the fall of 2019, and he has a wide range of legal experiences that enable him to assist individuals and organizations with their legal needs. While attending the University of New Hampshire School of Law, Josiah completed internships at the New Hampshire Department of Labor, Journey’s End Refugee Services in Buffalo, and the Disability Rights Center-NH.
After law school, Josiah worked as a Staff Attorney at the Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York in Syracuse for over three and half years, where he acted on behalf of low-income individuals and was responsible for the management of a large caseload of disability benefit cases. In June of 2021, Josiah began his current practice, which involves assisting charities, churches, non-profits, and businesses with various types of legal challenges.